Ok, expensive WiFi is forcing us to make this quick so please excuse the misspellings. We had a great time in Piedmonte. It is the perfect place to be on a bike. The hills are lower and shorter (3 - 7k) but they are every bit as steep. On Friday we did part of a ride that included "the climbs of champions" and did about 5500 feet of climbing in about 45 miles. The descents were even better than the climbs. After a quick physics lesson for Erin, she was even able to enjoy them. There was hardly any traffic and we didn't have to worry about packing extra jackets so we wouldn't freeze on the descents.
Aside from the riding, we have enjoyed the food, wine and hospitality here in Piedmont. The place that we stayed was the cheapest and nicest place so far and the owners have been great, offering us wines and cheeses and meats and informal lessons in Italian. Next year, we'll just come back here for 2 weeks.
We left this morning to head down the coast to Nice. After miraculously parrallel parking our massive van in a space 9 inches larger than the vehicle itself, we headed towards the beach where we were able to watch the finish of an Ironman triathalon and dip our toes in the Mediterranean. We just finished a lovely meal and are now planning out our rides for the next two days in the Maritime Alps.
Celebrating Aunt Peg's birthday in their apartment. They are enjoying your travelog and wish you great adventures to your destination.
Aunt Peg, Uncle Vince, Eric, Maureen, Max and his family.
Kahlers, Expensive WiFi and kept me from commenting more. I can't wait to hear all about your trip. We can exchange stories at the beginning of Aug.
So glad you're having a great time!
It sounds like you guys are having such a lovely time! That place you are staying out sounds magnificent! I can't wait to reminisce about all our travels. Thanks so much for the telephone call Cindy! It was a nice perk of having you in Italy even though I couldn't visit! There was a biking through Rome event on Sunday that went right past the Pope! Well, they missed him by a couple minutes. He ended his speach and then I saw them pass. I would've cheered you on if you were there! Have a great time in Nice! Another place I'd love to see :) Love you all!
Bonjour...J'espère que tout le monde s'amuse en France et en Italie. Kitty va bien, mais vous lui manquez.
À bientôt,
Hi, Cindy and family
Sounds like you guys are having a great time! Glad you are able to stay in touch and tell us how things are going while you're away.
Cindy - looks like you had no trouble getting the blog set up!
Greetings to Cindy and Tom! We just returned from our trip to Manitoulin Island which in no way compares with the adventure factor of your trip!!!! These entries are a terrific glimpse into your adventures with all their intriguing tidbits. We'll hope to get more detail straight from the organist's mouth pretty soon. Aren't families great??!?!?
Deb L
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