No, Floyd didn't come on the trip with us, but I did get to meet him when we returned to Lancaster and he was doing a book signing at Barnes and Noble. I let him know that we just returned from riding in the Alps and that I appreciated what he was able to do. It's quite hard to ride up those mountains.
Here are some other pictures from our rides in Nice. We only consulted our maps every 2 miles or so it seemed and still ran into roadblocks. The luggage is slowly arriving home. Mom, Dad, and I have all of our stuff including our bikes but Jonathan and Jessica are still waiting.
I also wanted to share some end of the trip stats:
Miles ridden = 246 miles*
Feet climbed = 29345 ft*
*This data excludes the Alpe d Huez day because of low batteries on the GPS. 6 days of riding are represented.
Number of crashes = 4 (Erin 3, Dad 1)
Number of mechanical problems = 0 (I believe this was due to traveling with our bike mechanic)
Number of redlights run = 1 (By Dad and there would have been more if he drove more than the one time that he did since he was trying to get other drivers to go through redlights)
King of the Mountain Jersey Winner = Jonathan Runner Up= The Scudo


What an awsome trip. I really enjoyed reading all your hilarious commentary. Out of all the pictures and outstanding scenery I keep flashing back to the little fried fish. -- Laura
I love how the Scudo got runner up for King of the Mt! This was a cute blog, Erin.
What an awsome trip. I really enjoyed reading all your hilarious commentary. Out of all the pictures and outstanding scenery I keep flashing back to the little fried fish. -- Laura
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